The Royal Pre-eminence Run-around

Needed - A Key to Objectivity

The Royal Pre-eminence Runaround

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"Things Above"
(Col. 3:2)

To Help Others Cope with Life
as I am Being Helped

IS THERE a conspiracy against the Almighty G-d, Pre-eminence, Objectivity or Primacy??

"You cannot quote from the Bible to prove that God exists because you cannot prove that God wrote the Bible or inspired it to be written."
~Lakehead University Professor

"I have a standing offer of $1,000 to anyone who can offer any empirical evidence (sound scientific proof) for evolution."
~Dr. Kent Hovind, c/o 29 Cummings Road, Pensicola, Florida 32503
(PH. (904)-479-3466/Fax 904-479-8562)

IN doing a survey concerning my degree of satisfaction with public education, my investigation of the resources at Fort William Collegiate Institute proved to me that there was NOTHING cataloguesd and/or readily available in their library on creation science.
~John A. de Boer (Mar. 1995)

My studies reveal that there is less evidence that evolutionists are inspired by Almighty G-d than that G-d inspired the Holy Bible to be written!

My experience also reveals that the runaround given by persons in positions of influence suggests that most people do not understand about POP (or they do not care), or they have actively fought and hated any notions of pre-eminence, and they go to greater/lesser lengths to defend either their own pre-eminence or that of a : religious organization (e.g. Roman Catholocism, non-Messianic forms of Judiasm, that of Moslemism/Islam, etc.), a nation (e.g. multi-faith, multi-culturalism, secular humanism, religious synchretism or religious equity), a class of society (e.g. the materialistically wealthy, the professionals/most-schooled), a people group by virtue of skin colour (e.g. white supremesists, non-Messianic Hebrews/"Jews" and possibly some who are natives/the earliest immigrants to various lands after the dispersion of the Tower of Babel, according to Scriptures).

The above, the lack of substance in the letters that were sent to refute creation science, and the internal and external evidence of the Holy Bible as inspired by G-d, reveal the provision to man to satisfy man's need for an Almighty, pre-eminent G-d to help him recognize the need for a special revelation deserving of primacy, by which man can maximize the degree of objectivity he attains in differentiating between good and evil, right and wrong, truth and lies, success and failure, the Almighty G-d and inferior gods/Satan, objectivity and subjectivity, and such like!!


Is Your World, Country, Community, Family or Life Falling/ Coming Apart?

You may decide to do what you can to try to slow, stop and/or reverse the deterioration process if, when, however, and as much as you can. The first step is to THINK about it. We live is a changing world. If we are going to deal with 'change' we need to know whether it is changing for the better or not. If it is changing for the better, why stop it? If it is changing for the worse, we want to ensure that any impact that we make on the process of change will improve that process of change!

The Public Affairs Department of The Bank of Montreal invited responses in 1996 to the question of "How do you deal with change?" I responded with the following letter on Wed., Nov. 20, 1996:

Coping Strategies/ Possibilities,

Bank of Montreal, Public Affairs Department,

4th Floor, 55 Bloor St. West,

Toronto, Ontario M4W 3N5

Dear Madame/ Sir Editor/ Reader

   This is in answer to your question as to how I deal constructively with change.

   Basically, I take or leave change in stride remembering and expanding upon that which I have been taught by my immigrant parents and other godly/ Christlike persons in word and deed, that Almighty G-d our Saviour and His Hily Word in Scripture do not change.

   The Holy Bible reveals that God is immutable and that His Word is "forever settled in heaven" affording me a "sure and stedfast hope" for the anchoring of my soul in changing times!

   The 'soul' has to do with the mind, will, and emotions.

    To be able to differentiate in life between good and evil, truth and error/ lies, right and wrong, success and failure and such like, requires that I determine what constitutes the most objective standard/ revelation available to mankind. Since I was raised to appreciatethe primacy of Holy Scripture and the preeminence of the salvific God there-in revealed, the onus was on me to determine whether such was in order.

   I had to determine whether the facts, themes, values, truths/ teachings/ ordinances/ traditions,  prophecy, history, creation science, persons, etc. there-in revealed were credible. Were they supported by internal and external evidences and if so were they superior, inferior or no different than those revealed in revelations that constituted the basis of other belief systems?

   To do this required letting the Scriptures speak for themselves- also called 'sound exegesis' as well as consistent principles of interpretation or 'hermeneutics'! This involved formal and informal study. Questions need answers too! Can outside sources be shown to support the content of the Holy Bible? Are its facts accurate? Do(es) it's theme(s) answer life's basic questions? Are the values ultimately there-in presented as the ideal, superior to those idealized in other 'revelations'? Are it's truths believable and if difficult to understand, do they logically transcend our natural reason? Are it's prophets 100% credible by virtue of requiring 100% accuracy to be included in the canon/ whole of the revelation- as holy and true prophets who were clearly inspired by  the Almighty God? Do other historical sources support the accuracy of the contents, as the Dead Sea Scrollls and such like do for the Holy Bible? Do(es) (a) latter part(s) of the revelation contradict parts received earlier and already accepted as inspired by the Almighty? can science support the position of taking the creation account literally? Can the persons there-in described as godly, and those who aspire to serving Him by incorporating the values, truths, principles, etc. of that revelation, truly honour and portray the Almighty Salvific God by working to meet their own needs and also help ing others? 

    Despite the change going on around me, I came to appreciate that the One creditted with inspiring the holy prophets in their words and actions, was the One who saw to it that their words were preserved in the canons of the holy Bible to serve as food for thought for people today. Since words, thoughts, deeds, character, beliefs, values, attitudes, and coping mechanisms can all be good or bad, it is imperative that my conscience was exposed- and continues so to be, exposed to the most objective standard /revelation available to mankind, and in this way I am able to work at my relationship with the Self-revealing Almighty God who deserves preeminence and hence my relationship with myself and others in this changing world!

It is re-assuring to me that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present. The track record of prophecy and lessons from Hebrew and personal schools of hard knocks, also calm me in the face of change.


John A. de Boer

I believe that if our words and/ or actions are going to positively impact our changing world, country, community, family and/or our own lives, we need to know how to show due respect/ reverence to Almighty G-d. The writer of Proverbs was inspired to write, 'THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF KNOWLEDGE...AND... OF WISDOM (Proverbs 1:7a, 9:10a).

That involves knowing how to give Him the Pre-eminence, sovereignty or Lordship in (y)our lives/ life! To do that requires knowing God's will or in other words, discovering and accepting the doctrines/ teachings/ traditions/ principles/ laws, values/ ideals, morals/ virtues, and such as He proposes as the best for mankind in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the 'special' revelation that is most inspired by God!  Knowing these things is the first step. If we will accept of God's amazing grace in that He provides us with Himself, with work on our behalf and with His Holy Word we can ask Him for the help needed to understand from that 'special' revelation what His will is.  Accepting and incorporating them in our world view, in our conversations and in our own lives is the second step. The third step is discerning how much and/or how little others incorporate them consciously or unwittingly in their lives and not condemning or hating them over any rejection of the Lord or His Word. A fourth step involves respecting the freedom of others to reject or accept the doctrines, values and such as can be soundly exegeted from God's Word and recognizing how rejection of G-d's preeminence may be the reason why their 'world', country, community, family and/ or life is falling apart. A fifth step might be looking for, discovering, being offered and/or simply taking the opportunity to introduce God and His Word as having the answers that everyone needs to help them cope with their deteriorating world, country, community, family and/ or life!  

If There is a Conspiracy/Battle Against:

the Almighty G-d; His Pre-eminence; maximizing objectivity in the affairs, values,

principles, philosophies, sciences, arts, etc. of life; and assigning pre-eminence

to a special revelation, would it not be advantageous to know about it so that

we could get on board with Him?


Get in Touch! John